Contattaci (+39) 344 4393360 - 347 7397671

  • "A pignata vaddata non vugghi mai"
    (La pentola guardata non bolle mai)

This ensures that the meat we produce is top quality, while its taste and palatability tells a lot about the potential of our land. We breed cattle, black Sicilian swine, goats and chickens. All our animals are free-range.


The Farmhouse lies at 1,000 m (3,280 ft) above sea level.
The organic farm (and livestock farm) has an extension of 160 hectars (395 acres), mainly as grazing lands, with spots of arable lands and autochtone woods. A natural and perfect autonomy in breeding livestock is ensured by around 40 hectars (100 acres) of land devoted to the production of cereals and forages.

Our goats give an excellent milk that we use not only to prepare our breakfasts, but also, in our farmhouse, to produce different varieties of cheese, tuma and ricotta or among them. Our guest can attend and also take active part to the process and they can enjoy the intensity of the traditional flavours right on the spot.
Our organic vegetable garden provides our kitchen with aubergines, tomatoes, courgettes, pumpkins, peppers and various fresh fruit. All this, together with our obviously self-produced supply of meat, eggs and milk, let our guest to enjoy a cuisine fully in accord to nature.


  • Services

  • Baby Sitter
  • Swimming pool
  • Mountain Bike
  • Camping
  • Shuttle Service
  • Wi-Fi Area