Contattaci (+39) 344 4393360 - 347 7397671

  • "I chiacchiri su chiacchiri e i maccaruni su chiddi ca incunu a panza"
    (Le parole son chiacchiere ma i maccheroni son quelli che saziano)

CIuchinolandia is a Center for Donkey Mediation Activities (A.M.A. - Attività di Mediazione con l'Asino) included in the agritourism range of activities. This center aims to develop the endless potential of the donkey both as a pet and as a valid support for social, touristic and economic activities.
Thanks to a multidisciplinary team, several different activities are promoted, all of them aiming at experiencing life at donkey's pace. The main focus of this activities is affectivity, that is one's capability to feel, perceive, get in touch with their own feelings and to express them to the outer world.
Ciuchinolandia's range of activities covers:

ONODIDACTIC (Donkey assisted teaching)
Coming to know the world of the donkeys, being in contact with nature, literature and fairy tales, having our four-legged friend as a teacher

Group walks along the local paths and woods.
Redescovering landscapes, smells and sounds of nature at donkey's pace, revitalizing the ancient relation between man and donkey and taking care of every aspect, from grooming to saddle mounting.

Donkey assisted therapy adopt the donkey as therapeutic agent and consist of a system of educational and rieducational techniques aimed to address a psychic, cognitive, affective, relational, behavioural or social issue. The potential of this approach is enormous. It works as a joint therapy, accelerating the positive effects of other therapies.

Exploring one's relations and own shared creativity to express the inner self through manual work and corporeal awareness.

Training classes for everyone interested in learning the know-how of donkey mediation.


  • Services

  • Baby Sitter
  • Swimming pool
  • Mountain Bike
  • Camping
  • Shuttle Service
  • Wi-Fi Area