Contattaci (+39) 344 4393360 - 347 7397671

  • "Cu di spir'anza campa, dispiratu mori"
    (Chi di speranza vive, disperato muore)

Inside the agritourism, "Rocca Pizzuta" a leisure sport association, runs the skeet field, where you can practice trapshooting and hunting trek.
The field is affiliated to FITAV (Italian Skeet Federation) and is recognised by the Olympic Commitee.
Competitions take place as a Federation activity or simply as a gathering of local enthusiasts.
Rocca Pizzutta aims to divulgate and promote skeet among people of every age.
The skeet field is accesible to the public from Wednesday to Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

  • Services

  • Baby Sitter
  • Swimming pool
  • Mountain Bike
  • Camping
  • Shuttle Service
  • Wi-Fi Area