Contattaci (+39) 344 4393360 - 347 7397671

  • "Acqua, cunsigghi e sali: senza addumannàti nun ni dari"
    (acqua, consigli e sale: a chi non li domanda non li dare)

 Below we list some active sports and not that you can do while staying at Tenuta Castagna.
  • Activity Recreation for children
  • Trekking with or without guide
  • Routes in company
  • Sightseeing in the area: wonderful experiences in off-road through the mountains and valleys of our region, guided tour of the village of Gangi and Sperlinga.
  • Sale of farm products
  • Visit of breeding cows, pigs blacks, goats (possibility to participate in the milking), chickens (possibility to participate in the collection of the eggs) and donkeys
  • Milk processing
  • Manufacture of bread
  • Meat Processing
  • Cooking classes, milk processing, processing of bread, decorative ceramics and painting.
  • Field skeet shooting, affiliate FITAV
  • Services

  • Baby Sitter
  • Swimming pool
  • Mountain Bike
  • Camping
  • Shuttle Service
  • Wi-Fi Area